Friday, January 15, 2010

Which is the Best Water Filter for You? The Brita Pitcher, Dispenser, or Faucet?

This is talking about if Brita Pitcher, Dispenser, or Faucet? Is the best for you. also If you like your water room temperature, the jug/cooler/dispenser is the Brita for you. You can leave the fridge out of the equation entirely. I have one of these hanging off the end of my desk these days. I fill it once every two days or so and I don’t have to worry about anybody placing my room temperature, fully filtered, life promoting beverage in the tooth-freezing, headache-inducing refrigerator. It’s just better that way. This can use more infrmation.
The Lazy Environmentalist

How do I know if I’m really buying organic fruit and vegetables?
By Chell Reister on organic vegetables

Look at those bountiful stacks of fresh fruit and vegetables - apples, bananas, peaches, and plumbs - oh my! And so many organic varieties as well. Can I really trust the organic stickers at my local grocer? And what if some other customer takes an ordinary apple and then decides to put it back in the organic stack? Certainly that happens, on purpose and by accident. So how do I know which is which?
Fortunately, there are ways to tell nowadays, from the label on every piece of fruit, the marked band on every head of lettuce, and the stamp on every bag of spinach. While the items can be misplaced or mislabeled by the grocer, the PLU code tells you the true origin of your edibles - USDA organic, genetically modified (GM), or diesel (just kidding).

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